Global Neighbours

This year at Little Heaton CE we are striving to achieve the Global Neighbour Bronze Award which is an accreditation scheme run by Christian Aid. We want to achieve this award to help fulfil the Church of England’s vision of education that is deeply Christian and serving the common good. In addition, by helping children claim their voice as global citizens, participation in the scheme will help our pupils to become courageous advocates.

See the source image

There are three levels of accreditation: bronze, silver and gold. These are verified by Church of England Education Office assessors, who look for evidence across five areas: school leadership, teaching and learning; collective worship and spiritual development; pupil participation; and community engagement.

Each one of us has a part to play in making a positive difference to our world, being a courageous advocate and helping our world to be more like the one that God intended.

In doing this, we can help others and ourselves to grow and flourish.

At Little Heaton we have a shared vision which informs us and motivates all that happens in our school. The curriculum, collective worship and extra curricular activities have a powerful impact on the whole school community.

Global citizenship nurtures personal respect and respect for others, wherever they live. It encourages individuals to think about fairness around the world and what will minimise harm to our planet. Exploring global citizenship themes help learners grow more confident in standing up for their beliefs and becoming more skilled in evaluating the ethics and impact of their decisions.

To be effective Global Citizens, young people need to be flexible, creative and proactive. They need to solve problems, make decisions, think critically, communicate ideas effectively and work well within teams and groups. These skills and qualities are developed by working with others, the community, the church and charities.

As part of their response to our collective worship children have identified issues that they feel are important for us to consider. These include


climate change


the need for everyone to have access to clean water

What issues do you feel are important? 

How do you think we can make a difference?

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