Collective Worship

Every day an act of worship is held in school.

During this we explore and promote Christian values through rooting them in biblical teaching; ensuring the children understand how Jesus' teaching can help us to be valued members of society.

We focus on one of our school values each half term along with British values, global issues and injustice as well as recognising festivals and celebrations in Christianity and other cultures and faiths.  Our values are:

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During worship the children are encouraged to listen, think and share ideas with each other, as well as being given time to reflect individually.




Worship Council

Our Little Heaton Lions are representatives from each year in school. Alongside being role models to others one of their key roles is to assist in the planning and delivery of collective worship and supporting with our preparation for services at All Saints Church.

Good News

Our worship on Fridays is a 'Good News Celebration' . Certificates are presented to children to recognise those who have displayed our Christian values or made signigicant progress or achievements, both in school or at home.     



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