School Policies
Schools are legally required to publish specific policies, reports and data on their school website for the information of parents, prospective parents or any other interested party.
Click on the relevant link below to view each item. If you would like further details about any of the information displayed, please contact the Headteacher of the school via the office.
SEND Local Offer - gives information and advice on what help is available for children and young people with SEN and/or a disability and their families. Click on the following link which will take you directly to Rochale's Local Offer website: -
If you require any paper copies of of any documents then please submit your request in writing to [email protected]. Any paper copies will be provided free of charge.
If you are worried for a child's welfare, please click on the link below for guidance:
Reporting Concerns
Cranmer Education Trust
As a member of the Trust the following policies are available on the Trust's website:
- Anti-Fraud and Corruption
- Charges an Remissions
- Complaints
- Data Protection
- Equality
- E-Safety
- Health and Safety
- Medical Conditions, Intimate Care & First Aid
- Modern Slavery Statement
- Privacy Notice for Parents and Guardians
- Privacy Notice for Pupils
- Privacy Notice for Prospective Students
- Privacy Notice for Members, Trustees and Local Governors
- Safeguarding and Child Protection
- Safety guidelines for Contractors
- Unacceptable Behaviour on School Premises
- Visitors Policy
- Whistleblowing
View these policies here: Cranmer Website