School Meals
Children have the option of eating a school dinner, bringing a packed lunch or going home for lunch. School meals are cooked on site by Mrs Connor and Miss Fernandez who are dedicated to providing delicious and nutritious meals to a high standard. Payment for these has to be made on Friday for the following week, in the form of cash, online or cheques. If you think your child may be entitled to free school meals please fill in a simple application form available from the Downloadable Forms Section.
A lot of our children have school dinners. You can help your child by teaching the correct use of cutlery and encouraging a good standard of social behaviour at mealtimes. The children are under constant supervision, by three Lunchtime Supervisors and Teaching Assistants, both in the dining room and in the school playground, and no child is allowed to leave the playground without permission. Standards of behaviour expected are the same as those encouraged during school sessions, please see our Behaviour Policy.
All dietary requirements can be catered for; just let the school office know if your child has any food allergies or is Halal, etc.
Please see the link below for our School Menu. Please note you will need Adobe Reader or equivalent. Click HERE to download Adobe Reader.
You can pay for your child's school meals online by clicking on the link below. To access this site you will need your login password, which can be obtained from the school office:
Alternatively, you can pay at the school office using your debit/credit card.
Free School Meals
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are currently entitled to receive school meals at no cost to you. This is known as 'Universal Free School Meals'.
However, when a child is awarded a personal entitlement to free school meals, this period of entitlement can extend past Year 2 and the school receives crucial funds. This entitlement is linked to a family's personal circumstances, therefore when a child starts at Little Heaton we ask all parents to complete an application form even when they receive Universal Free School Meals. Please see the Downloadable Forms Section of the Website. If you do not have access to a printer then contact the office and they will provide you with a paper copy and will be able to send it to the Benefits Team at Rochdale Council on your behalf.