Year 4 - Lower Key Stage 2 2024 - 2025

Miss Hosker


Welcome to year 4 with Miss Hosker who is the class teacher. 

The year 4 team are always eager to share with you the learning challenges your child is confident with as well as the ways home and school can work together to support areas of learning we may find more ‘challenging.’

Year 4 is the last year group for ‘Lower Key stage 2’ and will take part in a national multiplication assessment in June. Practising our multiplication facts and the corresponding division facts are important life skills; these fluent skills will also support our learning as we move in to Upper Key stage 2 the following year. 

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Year 4 - Lower Key Stage 2: News items

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Year 4 - Lower Key Stage 2: Children's Work items

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Year 4 - Lower Key Stage 2: Events items

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